The 3rd KAFE-JAFEE International Conference on Financial Engineering
작성자 한국금융공학회

BusanInternational Finance Center (BIFC), Busan, July 17-18, 2019

On July 17-18, 2019, the Korean Association of FinancialEngineering (KAFE) and

the Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics andEngineering (JAFEE) will

jointly hold an international conference on financialengineering.



All submissions should be sent by email to the KAFE office(kafe2019@changwon.ac.kr).

Abstract and Author Details (short biography) should be submitted until June 28.

The full papershould be submitted until July 5.There is no registration fee, no submission fee, and no publication fee.



Papers are solicited in all aspects of finance, but weespecially welcome papers that address one of the topics below:

•Asia-PacificFinancial Markets

•Algorithm Trading andMachine Learning

•Asset Pricing and Investments

•Big Data and MarketMicrostructure

•Blockchain and Cryptocurrency


•FinancialEconometrics and Financial Statistics

•Fintech,Robo-advisor, and Internet-only Bank

MathematicalFinance and Financial Engineering


Publication Opportunity

Based on our partnership with journals, we providepublication opportunities for all presented papers.

Journal of FuturesMarkets (SSCI)

Investment AnalystsJournal (SSCI)

Asia-Pacific FinancialMarkets (SCOPUS)



•Prof. HyengKeun Koo (Ajou University)

•Prof. YutaKoike (University of Tokyo)

•Prof. HedeatsuTsukahara (Seijo University)

•Prof. Robert I. Webb(University of Virginia)



Chung-Hyun Chung (chchung@changwon.ac.kr),President, Korean Association ofFinancial Engineering

Hedeatsu Tsukahara, President, Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering

Doojin Ryu (sharpjin@skku.edu), Vice President, Korean Association of Financial Engineering

Jiro Akahori, Editor-in-Chief, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
